Icy Tower

Icy Tower

Developer(s) Free Lunch Design
Designer(s) Johan Peitz
Composer(s) Anders Svensson
Engine Allegro library[1]
Platform(s) PC/MS Windows,[nb 2] Mac OS X
Release date(s) EU 20011222December 22, 2001
(see history)
Latest release 1.5 / EU 20110131January 31, 2011
Mode(s) singe-player
Media/distribution Internet, magazines
System requirements

Icy Tower is a popular freeware computer game that is a combination of an action game and a platform game. The goal of the game character is to climb a tower by jumping onto steps of a staircase inside it. The goal of the player is to reach a high number of steps (floors) and points (awarded for making special sequences of jumps). The game becomes more difficult as the character climbs the tower. By default, the player controls the character using a keyboard.

Icy Tower players usually try to achieve good results in one of several existing styles of playing, known as categories. Players' achievements in categories may later be published in online communities established for that purpose. One of the methods that allow players to compare their results are online high score lists. Another are online tournaments, in which they can compete directly.

Icy Tower was created in 2001 by a Swedish game developer Free Lunch Design. Since then, new features have been added to the game both by its developers, who regularly release its newer versions, and by players, who make custom skins and characters that refurbish it and custom applications and modifications that change its behaviour. Mobile and online versions of Icy Tower have also been made.



The game projector is fully occupied by a vertical cross section of a cylindrical tower, only a fraction of total height of which is visible at a time. The player starts the game on the ground floor of the tower. The character controlled by the player can move within the tower and jump from its floor to its floor, but its movement is limited by the two walls and the semipermeable structure of the floors, which it can only penetrate from below. If the character jumps beyond the upper edge of the screen, the screen will follow its current position, so that it always remains within its scope.

When the character reaches the 5th floor, the scope of game screen begins to gradually move upward, while the character and the floors remain in their place. Since that moment the objective of the game is to prevent the character from falling below the bottom edge of the screen, which ends the game. The rate of the movement increases abruptly every 30 seconds, which are measured by the clock in the upper left corner of the screen. The clock breaks down after its fifth revolution, however, after which the rate of the movement increases no further.

The goal of the player is to reach the highest possible floor and accumulate the highest possible number of points (score). Points are awarded for every reached floor and for making special sequences of jumps. The physics of the game consist of three main rules[1]:

  1. The higher the speed of the character is before it jumps, the higher the jump will be;
  2. The player can gradually change the speed and direction of the character's movement during the jump;
  3. The direction of the character's movement can be reversed by hitting a wall of the tower (wall bouncing), which allows the player to keep a constant, high speed of the character throughout the game.

The tower is of infinite height and it is impossible to reach the top.[1] After the game ends, a recording of the character's progress in the tower can be saved in a file (replay) for later viewing.


The length of the floors depends on their individual number, the version of the game, and a random factor. Their arrangement is entirely random. Their appearance changes visibly every 100 floors.[nb 3] Since the version 1.2 Icy Tower allows the player to choose the visual type of the floors on which each of his games. In order to do that, however, he is required to unlock the desired floor type beforehand, which is done by reaching a floor that bears that floor type by default. For example, if the player wishes to start the game from the fourth floor type, that by default belongs to the floors 300–399, he must reach at least the 300th floor first.


It is possible for the player to perform a sequence of jumps in the game, each jump spanning either zero, two or more floors. As long as the player reaches each floor within three seconds since reaching the previous one, such a sequence is called a combination (combo). A combo is the primary method of earning points in Icy Tower. For a combo to be rewarded with points, however, it must span at least four floors in at least two jumps, and subsequently one of the following conditions must be met:

  1. the character makes a jump that is one floor high;
  2. the character descends onto one of the floors below;
  3. the character does not reach another floor within the next three seconds (and it has not yet fallen below the bottom edge of the screen).

Every completed combo is awarded a number of extra points, which is equal to the number of floors in the combo squared. A special notice (reward) displays on the screen after a combo is finished, contents of which depend on its length and the version of the game. Regardless of combos, the player is awarded a ten points bonus for every floor he has reached (which is revoked, however, if the player later descends from the given floor).

High scores

Evolution of the built-in high score tables in different Icy Tower versions
Category description Describes games? Has a table?
nickname[nb 6]
yes no
until 1.4 yes
until 1.4 since 1.2
until 1.4 since 1.2
Unique category of the table[nb 7] since 1.4

Icy Tower records players' best results in built-in high score tables. Every table contains data about zero to five Icy Tower games; a single table row represents a single game. Every game contained in a table is being defined by its results in a certain number of Icy Tower categories. Finally, all games in a table are sorted according to their results in a certain category, which is relevant and specific to the given table. Whether a given Icy Tower category partially defines a given game or not, as well as whether a given category has a separate table it is relevant to, depends on the type of the category and the version of the program.

Players may also publish their accomplishments in online high score lists. Entries in such lists can usually be sorted by their results in the three aforementioned main Icy Tower categories – Score, Floor and Combo (the primary categories), as well as in a number of categories that are semiofficial or unofficial (the secondary categories). High score lists usually require players to provide replays from their games as evidence for their results. The official Icy Tower list resides on the web server of Free Lunch Design.[4]

It is also possible to compare performance of two players using the so-called K+ method. The K+ formula is a product of a sum of quotients, where the operands of the divisions represent records of both players in a specific Icy Tower category. For example, the K+ value from Score, Floor and Combo is represented by the expression

\frac{100{\left[ \sqrt{\frac{Score_a}{Score_b}} %2B 2{\left( \frac{Floor_a}{Floor_b} \right)} %2B \frac{Combo_a}{Combo_b}\right]}}{4},

where Score, Floor and Combo stand for the highest score, highest floor, and longest combo, respectively (a and b standing for the players being compared). In the above formula the ratio of Floor high scores has been doubled (to minimise the initial predominance of the Score-related categories over the Floor-related ones in it) and the ratio of Score high scores has been reduced to its square root (to express the fact that the amount of score earned in an Icy Tower game is usually close to its highest Combo value squared). The K+ mechanism is often being implemented in online high score lists so that every participant to the list could compare his results to the best results of the ranking.

Since the version 1.4 Icy Tower also evaluates the ability of a player by assigning him to one of the eleven levels of proficiency in the game, the so-called ranks. The ranks are based on the grade system used in the United States schooling. Therefore the rank equivalent to a beginner's degree of ability is represented by the letter "F", while a somewhat larger amount of it – by the letter "A". The fact of assigning the player to a certain rank depends on his records in four game categories: Floor, Combo, CC 1 and NML.


The following tables enumerate all potential objectives available for the player in Icy Tower. Listed are available floor types, along with Icy Tower versions they were introduced in, combo rewards, along with their respective combo length requirements in all versions of the game, and attainable player ranks (only relevant in Icy Tower 1.4 and newer).



Ever since the possibility of creating replays from games and submitting them to high score lists was introduced players have been inventing various styles of playing that diversify the gameplay of Icy Tower. Among the most popular styles are:

NML (N00b Masters League[nb 10]
To reach a high floor completing no combos on the way (it is allowed, though, to begin a combo and finish the game without ending it). This style also has a more limiting variant named UNML (Ultimate N00b Masters League), which requires making 1 floor high jumps only during the entire game.
RRML (Radical Rejump Masters League) 
To reach a high floor with a game setting that allows the character to perform uninterrupted series of jumps (the so-called rejump) enabled without ever releasing the keyboard key responsible for jumping – it may be pressed only once during the entire game.
JC 2 (Jump Combo 2) 
To complete a high combo making 2 floor high jumps only during the entire combo sequence. Since version 1.4, Icy Tower also stores players' records in a related yet simpler category named JS 2 (Jump Sequence 2), where the goal is to make a high number of consecutive 2 floor high jumps. Styles named JC 3 and JS 3 require making 3 floor high jumps, respectively, etc. As the character can take 5 floors in one jump at most, only four JC and five JS categories exist.
CC 1 (Clock Challenge 1[nb 11]
To reach a high floor during the first revolution of the timing clock. CC 2 represents the highest floor reached before the third revolution of the clock, etc. There also exists a composite style named TF (The Fastest), objective of which is to accumulate the highest possible sum of CC 1, CC 2, CC 3, CC 4 and CC 5.

It is possible to combine styles – for example, there is a category named "RRUNML", which is a combination of RRML and UNML.

Other features

Most versions of Icy Tower feature special hidden modes of gameplay that allow players to alter the default appearance and behaviour of the game. When a hidden mode is enabled, it is impossible for the player to save replays. Additionally a number of trainers has been made that let players change the nominal number of reached points and floors (such a change is irrelevant to the game, however, as it does not help a player in competing against others).[6][7]

The frame rate of Icy Tower can be mechanically decreased, for example by running the game in the windowed mode instead of the fullscreen mode or by using a separate application. Players who employ such strategies benefit from a larger amount of time to figure out and perform the most efficient movements and jumps of the character they are controlling, relatively to other players. In January 2006 several known players revealed they were using this tactic, the so-called slowdown, to increase their results. This announcement caused a decline in popularity of the official high score list, which at the time contained results of players who both "slowed down" the game and played it at the default speed.[9] In May 2007, the moment the official Icy Tower website was opened, the high score list has been reset. The new version of the list, however, still lacks a feature that prevents "slowed down" replays from being uploaded to it.[10]

Since version 1.4, Icy Tower measures the difference between the default frame rate of the game, according to which a single rotation of the timing clock should last exactly 30 seconds, and the rate under which the given replay was actually recorded. This data is subsequently stored in replay files. This feature of the game allows managers of high score lists to automatically accept or reject any replay being uploaded to them, according to how much does its speed deviate from the norm.[11]


The goal of the game character is to "do some mighty cool jumps and moves" in the tower in order to "get ... awe from his friends in the hood".[1] The game is set in a typical modern settlement in the Western world. The main character named Harold the Homeboy is a young and carefree member of the skate subculture who communicates with the player using American slang. The eponymous tower is usually depicted as a mediaeval round tower, sometimes equipped with battlements.[12][13]

Harold the Homeboy is also the protagonist of two other Free Lunch Design games, Harold's Hills and Harold's Tower Blast.


The history of Icy Tower releases
1st 1.0 EU 20011222December 22, 2001
2nd 1.1 EU 20020111January 11, 2002
3rd 1.2 EU 20031011October 11, 2003
4th 1.2.1 EU 20040131January 31, 2004
5th 1.3 EU 20050906September 6, 2005
6th 1.3.1 EU 20051029October 29, 2005
1.3.2 EU Cancelled[nb 13]
7th ITM EU 20081006October 6, 2008
8th 1.4 EU 20090603June 3, 2009
9th ITFB EU 20090924September 24, 2009
10th ITiP EU 20101112November 12, 2010
11th 1.5 EU 20110131January 31, 2011
Xjump, the game which inspired the makers of Icy Tower.
Icy Tower 1.0.
Icy Tower 1.4.

Icy Tower was created by a Swedish game developer Free Lunch Design using the C programming language and the Allegro game library.[1] Its designers were inspired by Xjump, a game for the Linux operating system.[14]

The game follows a sequence-based software versioning scheme. Its current version is 1.5. The major number of the program never changes, as its authors do not intend to make Icy Tower 2.[15] Changes in the minor number denote the entire package of the game being changed, together with its sound and graphic resources. Changes in the release number denote a release of a patch, i.e. a modified executable file purpose of which is to fix software bugs present in previous releases of the game. Patches for Icy Tower are being circulated both inside and outside official game packages.

The makers of Icy Tower maintain contact with its players, and their opinions were being taken into consideration in the course of developing new versions of the game.[16][17] The list of the most significant changes made to it to date includes:

Records file (1.1) 
An automatically generated and updated binary file that contained data about the player's records at a given time. It could be subsequently submitted to the then official online high score list.
Replay files (1.2) 
Small binary files that contain the recording of a given Icy Tower game and the nickname of its maker. Replays are less prone to cheating by manually modifying them than were files used to store players' records in Icy Tower 1.1. Replay saving and viewing features were being improved concurrently with the entire program. For example, replays have since been made easier to sign (1.2.1) and rewind (1.3), as well as possible to sort by various criteria (1.3). It has also become possible to view a progress bar of their duration, their maker's nickname and the arrangement of keys pressed during their making when watching them (1.3) and to save them automatically whenever a player beats his personal record (1.4).
Configurable keyboard settings (1.2) 
The possibility to personalise keyboard keys responsible for the character's movements in the tower. Since Icy Tower 1.3 it is also possible to customise the key pausing the game.
Shortened floors (1.3) 
This change was introduced in order to make gameplay over the 1000th floor barrier more difficult. In Icy Tower versions prior to 1.3 a sufficiently skilled player was able to casually climb as much as several thousand floors, even at the fastest rate of the downward movement of the screen. This was undesirable, as replays from such games often lasted several minutes or more.
Removal of the immaterial floors bug (1.3) 
This bug, known as the "ghost floor" bug, was a collision detection glitch that occasionally caused random floors in the tower not to stop the character falling onto them, usually ending the game as a result. It had only been occurring at the highest game speed and caused several players to quit playing altogether. It was the primary reason behind the making of Icy Tower 1.3. Its creators originally only intended to fix the bug in question in it,[18] release the new version as Icy Tower 1.2.2 and distribute it as a patch.[19]
Player profiles (1.4) 
A concept of user accounts (profiles) was introduced in order to help several players play a single instance of the game. A profile contains certain publicly accessible data about the achievements of its owner (his average and best scores in the game, for example), as well as his personal game settings and preferences. The default profile is the so-called guest profile.
Support for secondary categories (1.4) 
A possibility to manually change default game gravity and speed and default floors length was introduced (this change emulated – to a limited degree – features and options that were previously available for players only by the means of special trainers). Results achieved in the environment modified in such manner do not, however, affect the state of the built-in high score lists, which only register results recorded in default conditions. The categorial scope of the built-in lists was nevertheless expanded; since Icy Tower 1.4 they also register scores in categories formerly considered secondary (such as JS or CC).
Measures against slowdown (1.4) 
Icy Tower 1.4 estimates the possibility that the player's computer was artificially slowed down and records results of this estimation in replay files. A standalone program named SDbuster (Slowdown Buster) was also created in 2007 to help detect slowed down replays, which calculates the possibility of a given replay being slowed down based on previously remembered differences between replays recorded in normal and reduced speed.

Lesser changes include an audiovisual overhaul of the game (1.4, 1.5), the possibility to choose the default floor type of the game (1.2) and the possibility to create custom game characters (1.2). Additionally, four new combo rewards were introduced, namely Super!, Fantastic!, Splendid! and No way!, and thresholds of combo length for certain rewards were increased (1.2).


Icy Tower Mobile[nb 14]
Developer(s) Xendex Entertainment
Publisher(s) Hands–On Mobile
Distributor(s) region-dependant[20]
Designer(s) Johan Peitz[nb 15]
Platform(s) Java ME
Release date(s) EU 20081006October 6, 2008
Mode(s) singe-player
Media/distribution WAP Push (MIDlet)
Icy Tower Facebook
Developer(s) Free Lunch Design (Muskedunder Interactive[nb 16])
Designer(s) Johan Peitz[nb 15]
Release date(s) EU 20090924September 24, 2009
[21][nb 17]
Mode(s) singe-player
Media/distribution online game
Icy Tower iPhone
Designer(s) Johan Peitz[nb 15]
Release date(s) EU 20101112November 12, 2010
Mode(s) singe-player

On March 14, 2007, a press release has been published on the Free Lunch Design website announcing the establishment of a partnership between FLD and mobile game developer Xendex Entertainment regarding the porting of Icy Tower to the mobile environment.[22] The ensuant game named Icy Tower Mobile (ITM)[nb 14] has been released on October 6, 2008. Due to limitations of mobile platforms the game lacks several features present in its PC counterpart, such as publishing replays from games outside the mobile phone or changing default game characters.[23]

On September 24, 2009, a Free Lunch Design game named Icy Tower Facebook (ITFB), developed on the Adobe Flash platform within the development framework of the Facebook social networking website, has been released.[21][nb 17] Icy Tower Facebook allows players to compare their results with results of their friends within the Facebook system. It is also possible for players to personalise their in-game avatars and unlock additional game levels (so-called towers), which correspond to various game styles in the PC version of Icy Tower, by exchanging them for the virtual currency of the game (so-called coins). ITFB lacks the possibility of recording replays.

On November 12, 2010, an Icy Tower version for the iPhone has been released, that combines features of Icy Tower and Icy Tower Facebook.[24] There also exist unofficial Icy Tower ports for the Nintendo DS[25] and PlayStation Portable[26] video game consoles, made by players.


Icy Tower ranked high in the "Most Popular" ranking of the "PC games" section in the Download.com software directory website; its average monthly number of downloads was "more than 20,000" in 2006, amounting to over five millions as of 2009.[27][28] The total number of Icy Tower downloads was estimated at over 11 millions in 2008.[29] In terms of the number of websites devoted to the game, it is most popular in Czech Republic, Germany and Poland.[30] Central European countries are also home to a major portion of top Icy Tower players.[4][31] According to Johan Peitz, the author of the game, the reason behind the popularity of Icy Tower is that it allows players to compete in several different categories, for example in striving for both high floors and high scores.[32]

Online Icy Tower communities allow their members to exchange high scores, replays and comments about the game and its gameplay. Additionally, players frequently compete against themselves in online competitions, so-called tournaments. Icy Tower tournaments usually consist of a number of rounds, each lasting one or more days. In every round, contestants are required to record one or more replays with a result in a specific category of the game.[33][34][35] Players did also organise live meetings, which took place in Cracow and Warsaw, Poland[36][37][38] and Prague, Czech Republic.

On May 30, 2007, an official Icy Tower website operated by Free Lunch Design has been launched, available at icytower.­freelunchdesign.­com.[nb 18] On June 3, 2009, the day of Icy Tower 1.4 release, an additional, complementary site has been opened at icytower.com.


Internal structure of Icy Tower allows changing its appearance through downloading and installing repackaged resource files of the game (mods).[39][nb 19] Mods serve both aesthetical and practical functions, as they are sometimes used to improve players' performance in the game. The latter effect occurs if the mod conceals those elements of Icy Tower appearance that usually distract a player while he plays (such as the clock, combo rewards or differences between floor types). An example of a mod that simplifies the gameplay is Retro Tower, a recognised mod that reduces the palette of the tower to black and white.[40][41][42][43] Mods were created for all Icy Tower versions, although those made for a given major version of the game are incompatible with the executable files of another.[nb 20]

Since the version 1.2 Icy Tower allows players to create additional custom characters which may replace the three default characters provided in the game package. Making a new character only requires the player to create an image file of a certain structure. It is possible, however, to also create more complex ones, using which will cause the game to modify its soundtrack[44] and colour palette.[nb 21]

There also exists an array of tools that assist players in training, changing the game physics or analysing their results.


  1. ^ As the person responsible for the renewal of the game graphics in Icy Tower 1.4.
  2. ^ It is possible to run Icy Tower on the Linux operating system using the Wine software. "Icy Tower". WineHQ AppDB. http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=3027. Retrieved September 8, 2009. 
  3. ^ The floor type visible after the character surpasses the entire series (i.e., all known floor types) depends on the version of the game. Prior to the 1.2.1 version, the first type of the series was displayed for the second time; from the 1.2.1 version on, the last one was displayed, which is characteristic of floors above either the 900th (in Icy Tower 1.2.1) or the 1000th (in all subsequent versions) level.
  4. ^ The number of segments is the number of repetitions of the image representing the middle part of a floor. The Icy Tower Floor Controller trainer, commonly used to modify default floor lengths, equates the length of a floor with the number of its segments, increased by 1. For example, floors labelled "4–4" in ITFC correspond to floors that are 3 segments long.
  5. ^ Where n represents the number of the floor, and the quotient is being rounded down to a whole number.
  6. ^ The nickname may contain an unlimited number of characters if the result has been accomplished in Icy Tower 1.4 or newer (and the player was not using the guest profile), and three characters otherwise.
  7. ^ Since Icy Tower 1.4, games in tables are only described by their results in a single category, which is the very category that governs the given table. Thus, there are fifteen different tables in Icy Tower 1.4 and newer: Score, Floor, Combo, longest unfinished combo, NML, CC 1–5 and JS 1–5.
  8. ^ Cf. a screenshot of the game.
  9. ^ In Icy Tower versions 1.3 to 1.3.2 the type of the floors above the 1,000th level barrier would be better approximated as "transparent rainbows" rather than "stars".
  10. ^ The name of the category refers to the word n00b, a corruption of the word newcomer, alluding to the fact that newcomers to Icy Tower rarely perform combos in their games.
  11. ^ Prior to the release of Icy Tower 1.4 this category was known as Clock Crush Challenge (CCC).
  12. ^ All paths mentioned are relative to the root Icy Tower directory.
  13. ^ Icy Tower 1.3.2 was a cancelled release which was designed to prevent players from playing if their computers were recognised by the game as overly slowed down. This measure against slowdown was subsequently abandoned in favour of the SDbuster program and, later, inbuilt features of the game (since Icy Tower 1.4).
  14. ^ a b The game is also known as Icy Tower ME (ITME).
  15. ^ a b c As the designer and artist of Icy Tower in the version for personal computers.
  16. ^ A Swedish game developer that owned Free Lunch Design as of March 2008. "What's new". Muskedunder Interactive. http://www.muskedunder.com/index.php?pageId=-1. Retrieved December 30, 2009. "The Swedish flash game developer Muskedunder Interactive today [i.e. March 30, 2008] announced it has acquired the independent game developer Free Lunch Design." 
  17. ^ a b The version of Icy Tower Facebook released on September 24, 2009 was a beta release. As of 2009, no final version of ITFB has been released.
  18. ^ The site has subsequently been relocated to itc.­freelunchdesign.­com.
  19. ^ It is also possible to modify sound resources of the game.
  20. ^ With an exception of Icy Tower 1.0 and 1.1.
  21. ^ Since Icy Tower 1.4 it is no longer possible to change the game palette using a custom character.


  1. ^ a b c d e f Free Lunch Design. Icy Tower. PC, (v1.4). (Readme file named "Icy Tower v1.4").
  2. ^ Free Lunch Design. Icy Tower. PC, (v1.2). (Readme file named "Icy Tower v1.2").
  3. ^ "Frequently Asked Questions - Informations for new members!". Free Lunch Design Forum. June 20, 2007. http://www.freelunchdesign.com/smf/index.php?topic=2259.msg39238#msg39238. Retrieved August 21, 2007.  (The "The floors in Icy Tower" section).
  4. ^ a b "Highscores". Icy Tower Community. Free Lunch Design. Archived from the original on June 3, 2007. http://web.archive.org/web/20070703164910/http://icytower.freelunchdesign.com/highscores.php. Retrieved December 30, 2009. 
  5. ^ "Ranks". Free Lunch Design Forum. June 25, 2009. http://www.freelunchdesign.com/smf/index.php?topic=3199.0. Retrieved September 8, 2009. 
  6. ^ "'Icy Tower' MultiPage". DLH.Net. http://dlh.net/cheats/pc/english/icy+tower/index.html. Retrieved July 26, 2007. 
  7. ^ "Programs for Icy Tower v1.3.1". Free Lunch Design Forum. June 27, 2006. http://www.freelunchdesign.com/smf/index.php?topic=1694.0. Retrieved July 26, 2007. 
  8. ^ Yaari, Arnon. "Fun Mode". http://www.icytower.cz/download/misc/funmode_en.txt. Retrieved July 26, 2007.  (Description of the mode by a former member of Free Lunch Design).
  9. ^ "The secret of high scores". Free Lunch Design Forum. January 15, 2006. http://www.freelunchdesign.com/smf/index.php?topic=1268.0. Retrieved July 26, 2007. 
  10. ^ "Fair Highscore Lists". Free Lunch Design Forum. July 16, 2007. http://www.freelunchdesign.com/smf/index.php?topic=2333.0. Retrieved July 26, 2007. 
  11. ^ Free Lunch Design. Icy Tower. PC, (v1.4). "Time data is recorded in four different ways every now and then while playing and is used to determine the speed at which the game was played. [...] you can use this to help you decide whether you think the replay is ok or not." (Readme file named "Icy Tower v1.4 Itrcheck").
  12. ^ "Harold's Tower Blast". Free Lunch Design. http://www.freelunchdesign.com/playnow.php?id=15. Retrieved December 30, 2009. 
  13. ^ freelunchdesigngames (June 2, 2009). "Icy Tower 1.4 - OUT NOW!". YouTube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0fZqA7lAZ0. Retrieved December 30, 2009. 
  14. ^ Serafin, Lukasz (September 28, 2005). "Intervju med Johan Peitz [Interview with Johan Peitz]" (in Swedish). cure.se. Archived from the original on February 11, 2007. http://web.archive.org/web/20070211051538/http://www.cure.se/kultur/johan/johan.shtml. Retrieved December 30, 2009. "[...] I got the idea from Xjump, an old game installed on the school computers. I expanded and improved the gameplay, packaged it neatly, and there you are – the first version was ready." 
  15. ^ "Frequently Asked Questions". Free Lunch Design. http://www.freelunchdesign.com/faq.php. Retrieved July 26, 2007.  (The "FAQ for Icy Tower" section).
  16. ^ "IT In Multiplayer? (NETWORK) Yes or NOT AT all?". Free Lunch Design Forum. October 1, 2005. http://www.freelunchdesign.com/smf/index.php?topic=974.0. Retrieved July 26, 2007. 
  17. ^ "A new version?". Free Lunch Design Forum. January 28, 2009. http://www.freelunchdesign.com/smf/index.php?topic=3053.0. Retrieved January 31, 2009. 
  18. ^ Peitz, Johan (July 18, 2008). "The needs of the one - or the many?". Sleeping Eggplant. http://www.sleepingeggplant.com/blog/?p=14. Retrieved September 10, 2009. 
  19. ^ "Icy Tower 1.2.2 Beta!" (in Polish). Forum Icy.pl. February 14, 2005. http://forum.icy.pl/viewtopic.php?t=365. Retrieved July 26, 2007. 
  20. ^ "Icy Tower Mobile". Free Lunch Design. http://www.freelunchdesign.com/games.php?id=12. Retrieved December 30, 2009. 
  21. ^ a b "Links on "Icy Tower"". Facebook. September 24, 2009. http://www.facebook.com/posted.php?id=44804922041&share_id=137379454290&comments=1#s137379454290. Retrieved October 4, 2009. "It's finally here: Icy Tower for Facebook! The game is limited to 5000 players during the initial test phase, so claim your slot now!" 
  22. ^ "Free Lunch Design Takes Games to the Next Level" (PDF). Free Lunch Design. March 14, 2007. Archived from the original on March 23, 2007. http://web.archive.org/web/20070324233623/http://www.freelunchdesign.com/pr/PR.FLD.20070314.pdf. Retrieved July 26, 2007. 
  23. ^ Maliszewski, Piotr (July 29, 2008). "wywiad z twórcami Icy Tower Mobile - Xendex [interview with the creators of Icy Tower Mobile - Xendex]" (in Polish). ICYTOWER.mobi. Icy.pl. http://www.icytower.mobi/wywiad.html. Retrieved December 26, 2008. 
  24. ^ "Icy Tower for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App Store". itunes.apple.com. November 12, 2010. http://itunes.apple.com/app/icy-tower/id401133187?mt=8. Retrieved November 15, 2010. 
  25. ^ "I'm porting IT to the DS". Free Lunch Design Forum. December 23, 2008. http://www.freelunchdesign.com/smf/index.php?topic=3026.0. Retrieved September 9, 2009. 
  26. ^ "LUA Icy Tower v0.6" (in German). Downloads / LUA-Spiele. PSPSource.de. February 4, 2007. http://www.pspsource.de/download.php?view.1412. Retrieved September 9, 2009. 
  27. ^ "NEWS: Icy Tower climbs the charts". Free Lunch Design Forum. February 27, 2006. http://www.freelunchdesign.com/smf/index.php?topic=1404.0. Retrieved December 26, 2008. 
  28. ^ "Icy Tower specs and Arcade Game specifications". Download.com. http://download.cnet.com/Icy-Tower/3010-2099_4-11032219.html?tag=mncol. Retrieved September 16, 2009. 
  29. ^ Handsonmobile (May 30, 2008). "Icy Tower Mobile Edition". YouTube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lp2Cz4GVA6I. Retrieved December 30, 2009. 
  30. ^ "Icy Tower Highscore List". Free Lunch Design. Archived from the original on May 6, 2007. http://web.archive.org/web/20070506222814/http://www.freelunchdesign.com/icy_scores.php. Retrieved December 30, 2009. 
  31. ^ Kyratzes, Jonas (August 20, 2006). "Interview with Johan Peitz". Archived from the original on January 7, 2007. http://web.archive.org/web/20070107232056/http://www.jonas-kyratzes.net/readarticle.php?article_id=17. Retrieved December 30, 2009. "Icy Tower ... features the possibility to play it in different ways, you can either aim for score by doing combo jumps, or you can aim for height by rushing towards to top all the time." 
  32. ^ "Holiday 2003 Icy Tower Contest - Win a copy of Call of Duty". Computer Action Games. About.com. 2003. http://compactiongames.about.com/cs/freeactiongames/a/icyContest.htm. Retrieved July 26, 2007. 
  33. ^ "2nd Annual Icy Tower Holiday Contest - 2004". Computer Action Games. About.com. 2004. http://compactiongames.about.com/od/gameindex/a/contest2004.htm. Retrieved July 26, 2007. 
  34. ^ "ICY TOWER NATIONS CUP 2006 r.". Free Lunch Design Forum. November 22, 2006. http://www.freelunchdesign.com/smf/index.php?topic=1905.0. Retrieved July 26, 2007. 
  35. ^ "Icy.pl board users meeting - Cracow, 15.07.06". Free Lunch Design Forum. July 14, 2006. http://www.freelunchdesign.com/smf/index.php?topic=1718.0. Retrieved July 26, 2007. 
  36. ^ "Icy Tower players meeting - Warsaw, 05.07.08". Free Lunch Design Forum. May 18, 2008. http://www.freelunchdesign.com/smf/index.php?topic=2803.0. Retrieved December 26, 2008. 
  37. ^ "Icy Tower players meeting - Warsaw, 28.08.10". Free Lunch Design Forum. August 26, 2010. http://www.freelunchdesign.com/smf/index.php?topic=3711.0. Retrieved November 26, 2010. 
  38. ^ "Mods for Icy Tower 1.4". Free Lunch Design Forum. July 5, 2009. http://www.freelunchdesign.com/smf/index.php?topic=3214.0. Retrieved September 17, 2009. 
  39. ^ "IcyTower Awards 2004 - RESULTS" (in Polish). Forum Icy.pl. January 15, 2005. http://forum.icy.pl/viewtopic.php?t=334. Retrieved July 26, 2007. 
  40. ^ "IcyTower Awards 2005 - Results" (in Polish). Forum Icy.pl. January 10, 2006. http://forum.icy.pl/viewtopic.php?t=733. Retrieved July 26, 2007. 
  41. ^ "ICY AWARDS 2006 - choose the winners!". Free Lunch Design Forum. January 21, 2007. http://www.freelunchdesign.com/smf/index.php?topic=1970.msg31112#msg31112. Retrieved August 24, 2007. 
  42. ^ "Icy Awards 2008 - results". Free Lunch Design Forum. January 19, 2009. http://www.freelunchdesign.com/smf/index.php?topic=3048.0. Retrieved September 20, 2009. 
  43. ^ Free Lunch Design. Icy Tower. PC, (v1.4). (Readme file named "Icy Tower custom characters").

External links

Website Message board Resources repository Icy Tower Icy Tower Mobile Icy Tower Facebook Icy Tower iPhone
Free Lunch Design [9] [10] [11] [12]
Official website [13] [14] [15] [16]
Official forum [17] [18] [19] [20]